Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cruising into the Sunset

(This is part of a series about cruising on the Disney Magic. Click here if you want to go back to the start of the tour).

I hope you've enjoyed our
tour of Disney's Castaway Cay.

Castaway Cay - Post Office 12 (crop)

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so we must bid a fond farewell to the island, and set sail once again for the mainland:

Castaway Cay - Family Beach Area 20

Castaway Cay - Casting Off (16)

But even after we get home, there's still one more thing to look forward to.Do you remember the Castaway Cay post office?

Castaway Cay - Post Office 01 Castaway Cay - Post Office 04

We dropped a post card in the mail while we were there - which (eventually) found it's way back home to North Carolina:

Castaway Cay postcard

... complete with the Castaway Cay postmark:

Castaway Cay - Postmark

This concludes my recap of touring on the Disney Cruise Line. Thanks for coming along.

If you joined us in the middle, you might want to go back to the beginning of the series here.

"See 'ya real soon"
- Chris

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